I checked on a print job this morning and ran back to the hospital for the 11:30 am feeding of Hannah. When you come up to NICU, you have to buzz and announce yourself on an intercom. Because Alexis and I have different last names right now -- it's taken a couple of days for the desk clerks to get used to me. I scrubbed up and got back to Hannah's crib and saw real clothes on Alexis for the first time in a week! It was comforting.

She was cleared to go at noon by Dr. Lindblad last night after he told Alexis all the things she could and couldn't do for the next few weeks. Basically she has to still take it easy for awhile -- now that she has some energy, however, it's hard for her to not get up and go.
I'm so glad she is home now -- it was hard for her to hear babies crying with their mothers in the other rooms of the wing she was in last night. That might be something Cottage Hospital should think about for patients like her in the future.
Next, we went to Goleta Valley and rented a breast pump and it looks like insurance will cover the cost as it is necessary for Hannah's development and as our doctor was willing to write a prescription. By the time we got home, it was almost time to get back for the next feeding -- we ended up waiting until 8:30 and we just got back. Every three hours she is fed and we are trying to be there for a lot of them.
I love the new photos of you and Hannah.
Nels and Alexis,
Soraya forwarded the blog to us. Congratulations - both on the birth of Hannah and on your enagement! - the Mann Family (Camilla, Jacob, Riley, and Dylaney)
Thank you for sharing your joy!
What a beautiful spirit you have brought into this world- The world will truly be a brighter place now that Hannah landed :)
Love Tina
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