Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hannah's First Haircut

Well, we finally did it. Hannah had her first haircut over at KidCutz last weekend. She was perfectly calm and seemed to very much enjoy the experience. We weren't sure what to expect! She has a bit more of a bob now and her hair is out of her face! Most of all she enjoyed the expereince.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Photos from the Holidays

To get an idea of how busy it can get with a 2-year old...simply see how I'm finally getting to post some pics from the holidays. As always, you can click to enlarge. Enjoy.

Hannah is putting together phrases every day that would amaze you. I some times look at her and say "Where did you learn that?" Her growth and development has been amazing over the last few months as you can see by simply going to the immediately prior post from last November.